16 Nov 2013

The road to Helmsdale

Chloe and Claudia are on display in the “Winter Salon” at Timespan, Helmsdale. Each submission had to be in a gold frame to give that nostalgic feel of a Victorian Christmas. Everyone at the opening was asked to put a sticker against their favourite painting and Chloe was the most popular! Helmsdale is about 55 miles away from home, but the long journey on a single track road is an incredible drive. The weather and light on the day I drove “the girls” across the moors was fabulous – so it took me about 2 hours to get there after stopping to take so many photos. In both directions I was rewarded with a magnificent view of red deer, but was mortified to find that I had the wrong lens on my camera after changing it to take the photo of the framed paintings before I left!

Claudia and Chloe (a very popular Cheviot!)



PatsyColchester said...

Feel your frustration about lens but.. beautiful pictures anyway.

angela j simpson said...

Thanks Pat. Just found Claudia in the paper this week to illustrate an article about the exhibition.