21 Oct 2012


A large bowl of brandy soaked soft fruit is filling the kitchen with festive aromas  – the Christmas cakes will be going in the oven today. Yesterday I dismantled the frosted runner bean wigwams and scooped up piles of mushy nasturtiums. Winter must be just round the corner, the sun took ages to get warm enough to burn off this morning’s mist and I had to wait for some good light to photograph two different dogs for a commissioned portrait. One of them was Dylan, who probably had a wash & blow-dry for the occasion, whilst the other was a lurcher and a bit more low maintenance! Both dogs were very unimpressed with the whole affair and it took a bouncy red ball and the scent of a rabbit, respectively, to get them to look remotely photogenic. 588 photos later, I start the task of selecting the best ones (Handy Henry has an eye for a good one!). On the whole not a very creative week, but I did sell my first ACEO (Artists Cards Editions & Originals – collectible miniature artworks) which has inspired me to produce some more.  My laptop and printer however, have been very creative - reinventing their purpose in life, and upsetting Flo in the process - but that's another story !

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